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Membership Renewal Forms for fiscal year 2023 - 2024, I will have Renewal form with me at all Meetings.
Your dues must be paid in full in order to be able to vote in November. If you are not paid up prior to the November Meeting 2023, you will not be eligible to vote. Payment of your membership at the November meeting will not make you eligible to vote or run for Office for upcoming fiscal 2023-2024 Year.
ARTICLE 230.85
Emergency Amendment to 527 CMR 12.00 Massachusetts Electrical Code Article 230.85 Effective June 26, 2020
ARTICLE 230.85
Emergency Amendment to 527 CMR 12.00 Massachusetts Electrical Code Article 230.85 Effective June 26, 2020

Section 17.01: Requirements for Licensees
17.02: Requirements for Continuing Education Providers and Seminars/Courses 17.01: Requirements for Licensees
(1)Continuing Education Requirement.
(a)Except as otherwise provided in 237 CMR 17.01, each licensee of the Board, as a condition for license renewal, shall present evidence satisfactory to the Board that, in the three-year period before license renewal, he or she has completed 21 clock hours of continuing education.
(b)Of the required 21 clock hours, 15 clock hours shall be on topics related to 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments), business, law, and related topics with a Provider in an area of study approved by the Board. Courses offered for Master Electricians and Journeyman Electricians shall focus on 527 CMR 12.00 and other laws and regulations as they pertain to Electrical Work. Courses for Systems Contractors and Systems Technicians shall focus on the applicable chapters of 527 CMR 12.00, the adopted version of NFPA 72, and other laws and regulations as they pertain to Systems Work. The Board may require specific content to be contained in any approved courses. It shall be the licensee's responsibility to ensure that their Provider has been approved by the Board.
(c)Of the required 21 clock hours, six clock hours shall be in areas chosen by the licensee for professional development in the subjects of Electrical Code, business, law, first aid, safety, Building Code, and related topics. Said instruction need not be offered by a Board approved Provider.
(d)Notwithstanding the previous provisions of 237 CMR 17.01, Inspectors of Wires, appointed pursuant to M.G.L. c. 166, § 32, electrical inspectors/ investigators employed by the Division of Professional Licensure, and licensed members of the Board, shall complete the required 15 hours of mandatory continuing education within the first year of the release of the updated edition of 527 CMR 12.00: Massachusetts Electrical Code (Amendments) as a condition of license renewal.
(e)In addition to the 21 hours for renewal as provided, each Inspector of Wires appointed pursuant to the provisions of M.G.L. c. 166, § 32 shall complete in each license cycle six hours of continuing education in courses approved by the Board (for a total of 27 clock hours). The Board may designate one or more associations of Inspectors of Wires or other Providers to offer these courses.
(2)Extensions and Exemptions from Continuing Education Requirement. The Board may, at its discretion, consider a written request for an extension or exemption from the deadlines for the continuing education requirement under the following circumstances:
(a)Illness or Disability. A request for an extension based on illness, disability, or other medically-related condition, shall be in writing, under oath, and accompanied by a letter addressed to the Board, written and signed by a licensed medical doctor, stating the nature of the licensee's medical condition and the correlation between that condition and the licensee's inability to work in any trade capacity, as well as to complete the required continuing education within the required period.
(b)Exemption of 15/Six Hour Programs. Instructors who teach two 15 clock-hour seminars/courses and/or two six-hour professional development courses per cycle shall be deemed to have met the continuing education requirements.
(c)Issuance of License 90 Days Preceding Renewal Date. Any holder of a Journeyman Electrician or Systems Technician license issued by the Board following examination or by reciprocity during the 90 days preceding the license renewal date shall be exempt from the continuing education requirement for the license renewal cycle in effect at the time of licensure.
(3)Failure to Complete Continuing Education Requirement. Any licensee who does not complete the required hours of continuing education shall not be eligible for license renewal. A licensee who misrepresents completion of continuing education in a license renewal shall be subject to disciplinary action which could include fines and/or license suspension or revocation.
(4)Reinstatement of Lapsed Licenses. A licensee who allows their license to lapse beyond 90 days, who did not complete their continuing education prior to their license expiration, shall not be eligible to reinstate their license until they complete the latest Board approved version of the 15 hour continuing education course and a six hour professional development course. In addition to the above requirements, if a license has been expired for more than three years (one license cycle), even if originally obtained by reciprocity, the former licensee shall be required to pass the Massachusetts examination for the license they previously held in order to reinstate their license.
(a)Upon successful completion of the 15 clock hours of continuing education, each licensee shall receive from their CEP a certificate of completion. Each licensee shall retain such documentation for ten years, and shall furnish it to the Board for verification of completion of the required continuing education if so requested. This requirement shall not be deemed to waive the requirement that CEP's also maintain records as required in 237 CMR 17.00.
(b)Upon successful completion of the six clock hours of professional development, each licensee shall receive from the sponsor a certificate of completion as covered in 237 CMR 17.02(3)(b). Each licensee shall retain such documentation for ten years and shall furnish it to the Board for verification of completion of the professional development if so requested.
(c)Appointed Inspectors of Wires pursuant to M.G.L. c. 166, § 32 shall provide to the Board successful completion and documentation of the required 27 clock hours of mandatory continuing education and certification programs as required by the Board pursuant to these regulations indicating qualification for initial or continuing appointment as an Inspector of Wires.
17.02: Requirements for Continuing Education Providers and Seminars/Courses
(1)CEP's Must Be Board Approved. The Board may withdraw its approval of any provider or course for good cause shown.
(2)CEP's shall notify the Board in writing of any change of his or her instructors within ten days of the change.
(a)All course instructors, whether teaching independently or employed by an approved provider, shall be Massachusetts licensed electricians.
(b)CEP's shall attend any Board-sponsored seminars/courses on the proper content, administrative procedures and data transfer.
(3)Seminar/Course Sponsors Records.
(a)CEP's shall maintain for a period of ten years complete and accurate records on each licensee who has completed continuing education;
(b)Certificate of Completion of Continuing Education Seminar/Course. CEP's shall provide attendees certificates of completion which contain the following:
1.CEP number;
2.CEP name and Massachusetts license number;
3.Instructor signature signed under pains and penalties of perjury;
4.Date of course and hours completed;
5.CEP contact phone number;
6.Name of attendee and license number(s).
(c)Certificate of Completion of Professional Development Seminar/Course. As the Board generally does not approve Professional Development sponsors, Licensees shall be solely responsible for obtaining certificates of completion from their sponsor for any Professional Development seminars/courses taken. Such certificates of completion must contain the following:
1.Subject matter;
2.Date of course and hours completed;
3.Course Sponsor's name;
4.Speakers name;
5.Name of attendee.
(d)CEP's shall maintain in electronic medium the names, license number(s), of all licensees attending the continuing education seminar(s). A copy of such shall be submitted to the Board within ten working days of the completion date of such seminar.
(4)Falsification of any information relating to the requirements of 237 CMR 17.00 by a CEP shall be grounds for the withdrawal of Board approval of the CEP and, where Board licensee(s) are found to be involved, the initiation of formal disciplinary proceedings against such licensee(s).
(5)Renewal of application for providership shall be submitted on a prescribed form or other medium acceptable to the Board for its review and approval not later than 90 days prior to the adoption of an Electrical Code.
237 CMR 17.00: M.G.L. c. 141, § 2.
Eversource Energy
James Mello Supervisor
Electric Meter Technical
Can be reached by Cell (508) 397-9785
Any question on a buried or non-accessible Meters call James
Eversource Energy
James Mello Supervisor
Electric Meter Technical
Can be reached by Cell (508) 397-9785
Any question on a buried or non-accessible Meters call James
The National Electrical Code NEC 2023 has highlighted the crital importance of surge protection in emergency circuits within buildings.
Section 760.33 Requires the installation of an approved Surge-Protective Device [SPD] on the Supply side of a fire alarm control panel, in line with Part II of Article 242.
NEC 2023 Article 760.33
The New NEC 2023 Code book is now available,
MECA, (781) 320-9811, Contact Beth
Kennedy Seminars (978) 655-4568,X Contact Bev
NFPA, Quincy (617) 770-3000 ext. 8500 (Customer Srv)
From the Desk of the Secretary
From the Desk of the Secretary
January 30, 2024
We the Municipal Electrical Inspectors Association of Massachusetts and Rhode Island
Celebrating 137 Years in Operation.
I am proud to be a member of such a great Association, and proud of how far we have come as group of Inspectors. With the variety of members we have, in age and gender, we hold a very vast knowledge of information in this Electrical Industry. And if you were to add up all the years of knowledge that we have in this organization it far surpasses the Years that this Association has been around. We need to continue with updating ourselves with new information and product installations as they come about. You know we never stop learning even though we are "Inspectors" we are all "Teachers" to a degree, in that when you do your job as inspectors you point out and inform the electrician that his or her installation weather or not it is correct and point out where the error is/are. Don't forget to You are Responsible for sighting Code Violation, and The Article, it is your Responsibility.
It is also a good practice to let the electrician know that they did a good job and everything is done in a neat and professional manor.
We all like to hear that we are doing a good job. Criticism comes faster than Compliments. Your Compliment doesn't make YOU a Weak Inspector or a Push Over it makes you a "Respected Inspector".
Thank you for your continued support of the "Municipal Electrical Inspectors Association of Massachusetts & Rhode Island"
The Oldest Association in the Country "Since 1887" December 28, 1887
Nick Catizone, Jr.
"Members Concerns"
During our past meetings at our various locations. Members have expressed the concerns with all the talking and private table chatter at various tables. Members can not hear what was being said by the speaker and other members. Please, when the gavel is wrapped, respect the person either at the podium or standing on the floor. The information that is being provided is for all to hear, and you should be willing to respect the members who would like to get this information.
Please remember we are all in this together and if you do not pay attention, the subject matter discussed could just go over your head and one day this could happen to you in the field.
So please respect others while they are talking from the floor or podium, Please, keep the CHATTER DOWN.
Thank you,
This information is from Joseph R. Cervantes, Sr. Jan 26,2024 from Linkedln
“Life Safety Expert”
The National Electrical Code (NEC) 2023 has highlighted the critical importance of surge protection in emergency circuits within buildings.
As per the NEC 2023:
Section 760.33 requires the installation of an approved surge-protection device (SPD) on the supply side of a fire alarm control panel, in line with Part II of Article 242.
Its essential to recognize that surges are not solely caused by lightning. A common misconception among contractors, especially in the western region of the US, is to disregard surge protection due to the infrequency of lightning.
Surges can originate from various sources:
1. Direct Lightning Strikes: Typically have catastrophic effects.
2. Proximity Lightning Strikes: Lightning impacts several miles away can induce major voltage surges along transmission Iines.
3. Utility Grid Switching: This happens when utility companies switch between different power systems.
4. Brownouts/BIackouts: Characterized by under-voltage or voltage drops, usually followed by a surge or spike.
5. Inductive Loads: The activation or deactivation of electrical motors in facilities, affecting systems such as HVAC, refrigeration, pumps, CNC machines, and office equipment.
6. Mechanical Failures: Breakdowns within the electrical distribution system.
7. Human Error: Accidental introduction of AC power into low-voltage system circuits.
Given these varied sources of surges, electrical contractors should consider the Space Age E1ZOV-GT model. This model not only meets surge protection requirements but also includes the E-Lock FA device. The E-Lock FA effectively locks out the breaker, enhancing safety and compliance. Furthermore, the model comes with red labels for panel identification. This feature aligns with the requirements specified in NFPA 72, Chapter 10.6, ensuring that emergency circuits are clearly marked and identifiable. Choosing the Space Age SSU00468 model shown here thus ensures both compliance with current codes and enhanced safety for emergency circuits.
Attention all Inspectors of Wires:
Mandatory Continuing Education Requirement
As mandated by 237 CMR 17.01(1)(a), all Inspectors of Wires must complete six (6) hours of mandatory continuing education specific to Inspectors, in addition to the twenty one (21) hours required for license renewal by the 2021 renewal date (7/31/2022). Information regarding mandatory continuing education seminars may be obtained through various Associations and participating Providers, a list of which is provided below. Failure to complete this requirement will render you ineligible to be considered a certified Inspector of Wires who is authorized in performance of your duties as the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). In addition, continuing to perform such duties in the absence of fulfilling this mandate may also make your license subject to sanctions by the Board.
Approved Providers for Inspector of Wires Six (6) Hour Mandatory Continuing Education (MCE) Go to this Web-Site to get the list of Approved providers;
BFPR Advisory - 527 CMR 12, s 406.4 (D)(4):
AFCI Receptacle Outlet Replacement
BFPR Advisory - 527 CMR 12, s 406.4 (D)(4):
AFCI Receptacle Outlet Replacement
To: Interested Parties
From: Board of Fire Prevention Regulations
Date: June 5, 2014
RE: Interpretation 527 CMR 12
QUESTION: “For receptacle outlets subject to mandatory AFCI protection under current requirements in the Massachusetts Electrical Code, does 406.4(D)(4) require receptacle replacements in such location to have AFCI protection either inherently or on their supply side, and regardless of the reason for the replacement or the previous status of AFCI protection?”
Important Events Mark Calendar
Important Events Mark Calendar